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Cracked Skin

Dry, cracked skin results from the loss of moisture and lipids. When the skin's moisture level drops below 10 percent and natural skin sebum is not produced, the outer layer of the skin begins to break apart. Skin cells can no longer effectively hold together, leading to cracked and rough patches. Cracked skin requires regular moisture, nutrients, and replenishment to aid in its regeneration.

OXY 8 products assist with skin fissures. Natural ingredients are crucial for building healthy skin. That's why we exclusively recommend organic and natural components.

OXY8 Recommendation

Cleanse skin thoroughly and gently


- Daily, both in the morning and in the evening -



- In the evening for makeup removal -

Possible triggers for cracked and rough patches on various body areas include:


  • In the face or scalp: incorrect cosmetics and skincare. Harsh and irritating cleansing lotions and creams can quickly dry out thin layers of skin.

  • Winter-related skin issues (often on the face and neck): Winter coldness slows down the skin's metabolism and thus the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands, making the skin more sensitive. The dry, warm air indoors also dehydrates the skin.


  • Dry and cracked hands: Excessive exposure to substances like cleaning agents that strip moisture from the skin.


  • Age-related dry, rough skin patches: Decreased supply of lipids to the skin as one ages.


  • Hormonal and metabolic conditions such as hypothyroidism or diabetes can also lead to skin dryness and cracks. Imbalanced skin requires intensive care. The ability of your skin to retain moisture and lipids (skin oils) can be supported through the use of valuable organic ingredients. These ingredients provide the necessary moisture and active agents to the skin.


PATCHOULI OIL, FRANKINCENSE OIL, ARGAN OIL, EUCALYPTUS, and JOJOBA aid in the internal reconstruction and regeneration of the skin, stimulating the formation of new skin cells while simultaneously providing moisture.

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