Dr. Sue Seifert
Valuable tips
Skin renewal every four weeks
Who hasn't wanted to be in someone else's skin? In fact, our skin renews itself regularly because the surface of the skin wears out quickly. Every day we lose up to 14 grams of dead skin cells. New skin cells are constantly forming in the basal cell layer, which become horny within four weeks and migrate to the surface of the skin. So after just a month we have a completely new skin. In a lifetime of 80 years, we change them around 1,000 times. You can support these processes with natural ingredients, because with increasing age, certain functions decrease.
The skin is not only our largest organ, but also one of the most versatile. It connects us with the outside world, environment, is a sense organ, protective shield and beauty feature. What can I do against acne and inflammation, what can I use against severe wrinkling? We will answer all these questions.
Our skin not only protects us from cold, heat and UV rays, with its acidity it makes it difficult for bacteria, viruses and fungi to penetrate the body and, as a branch of the immune system, triggers a defense reaction if pathogens break through the barrier . The skin consists of three layers, the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. All levels are interconnected and perform different functions:
The upper skin (epidermis)
A multi-layered layer of horny cells forms the visible surface of the skin, which protects us from environmental influences. This is followed by the basal cell layer, in which the so-called shade donors of the skin, the melanocytes, are located. They produce the pigment melanin, which tans the skin when exposed to UV radiation and protects the sensitive genetic material of the skin cells like a parasol. The epidermis also protects us from drying out: Without it, our body would lose around 20 liters of water a day through evaporation alone.
The leather skin (dermis)
The elastic and at the same time tear-resistant fiber network of the dermis forms the framework of the skin. Veins, sebaceous and sweat glands, lymphatic vessels and cells for the immune system are located here. It is closely linked to the epidermis via cone-shaped connections and supplies it with nutrients and oxygen.
The hypodermis (subcutis)
Loose connective tissue and fat cells form the bottom layer of skin, which serves as protection against the cold and energy storage. The mobile fatty tissue also protects bones, muscles and organs from pressure and heat loss. A dense network of nerves runs through the subcutaneous tissue and transmits sensory perception to all layers of the skin.